Monday 22 August 2011

Introducing our newest venture;

We've decided to dip our paws into the world of baking!

We wanted to do something unique though, there are plenty of human bakeries around and a fair few 'barkeries' too, so we decided to combine the 2 and here you have Love & Licks...

Not only will we sell fabulous human cakes, but we'll make a dog safe equivalent for your pup too! Fancy ordering some yummy chocolate cupcakes? Why not throw in a dog safe carob one for Fido? :)

It'll be a good few weeks before anything is concrete and things get going, we have a lot of set up to do and a ton of recipes to perfect and make 'Fido Friendly' but until then you can rest assured that we're working hard behind the scenes and we'll be back with more information asap.